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The ELI Weekly Summer 2021 Volume 145 Issue 3

The ELI Weekly

The Weekly Newsletter of

the English Language Institute

Volume 145, Issue 3

June 2, 2021




Downtown Gainesville Scavenger Hunt

Get to know the city a little better!

June 5th – Downtown Gainesville Scavenger Hunt– 5:30pm to 7:30pm

This is your chance to get to know downtown Gainesville in the most fun way! Explore with your team and see who can take the most photos of all the art and cool locations downtown! Afterwards, stick around to hang out and try the places you liked most! Meet at Bo Diddley Plaza. Take Bus 5 or 1.

You must sign up on the weekly activity signup to attend this activity.

You must have a mask at this event and be campus cleared to attend. If you choose to enter inside a downtown business, they may ask you to wear a mask.

Notes from the Office

Addresses:  Just a reminder, everyone, if you move or change your address during the semester, it is very important to update your address with the Main Office.  You can fill out a new Student Contact Card, or you can update your address at any time on myELI.

COVID-19 Update:  Non-vaccinated students, remember to do the weekly COVID-19 screening by 3pm on Tuesday, June 1 with this link:

You are not required to do a saliva test this week.  Your next test must be between June 7 and 10.

If you want to get the vaccine on campus, please make an appointment through ONE.uf and notify Victoria at  The vaccine is free.  Once you get the vaccine and notify Victoria, you are not required to do the screening every week and testing every two weeks.

Please email Victoria with any questions!

The Weekday Activities

No Reitz Hangout this Monday due to Memorial Day.

Tuesday June 1st – Soccer – 6:30 – 8:30pm

Come play Soccer on campus at Flavet field! No experience necessary!

You must sign up on the weekly activity signup to attend this activity.

You must be campus cleared to attend and remain 6 feet apart from others.

Wednesday June 2nd – Movie Night (Zoom) – 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Come vote on a movie and watch it with LAs and ELI friends as we chat in the chatbox. Stick around for a fun discussion afterward. Movie choices this week are The Greatest Showman, Home, and The Woman in the Window. Come out and vote for the one you want!

Meeting ID: 922 4681 8257

Passcode: movienight

Thursday June 3rd – Rotating Thursdays: 4th Avenue Food Park – 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Come hang out at this really cool outdoor space and get dinner if you want!  You can find a pizza place, taco shop, and more! Socialize with ELI friends, speak English, and play games! Take bus 5 or 46 and then walk just 5 minutes.

You must sign up on the weekly activity signup to attend this activity.

You must be campus cleared to attend and remain 6 feet apart from others. If you choose to enter inside a business, they may ask you to wear a mask.

Sign up for all activities this week here!:

Summer Weather Safety

We thought we’d let you know about a few things as the summer weather season kicks in.  Be careful since North Central Florida has very interesting weather! It might look like a sunny day but then a thunderstorm will appear.  Therefore, you should always have sunscreen and an umbrella in your backpack. You should also get into the habit of checking the weather each day.  One hazard that you should watch out for is lightning.  We have more thunderstorms in the summertime in Florida in a year than anywhere else in the world, so lightning here is a serious danger. If it looks like it’s going to storm, you should go inside as soon as possible.  A car is also a safe place.  DO NOT stand under a tree or near anything that might be the tallest thing in the area and don’t use a metal-tipped umbrella.

Occasionally, there are tornado watches or tornado warnings. A warning is more serious. If there is a tornado warning, you should go inside. DO NOT ride your bike, wait for the bus, or even drive a car.

Another thing that you should prepare for is hurricanes.  You can go to  to keep informed of hurricane activity, and they also have some excellent preparation and planning tips.  Also, of course, if there is any hurricane threatening Gainesville, we here at the ELI will keep you informed and make sure you know what to do and where to go.  The main thing about the NOAA website is that they have some excellent tips about early preparation.

Finally, you should download the Gatorsafe App (opens in new tab) on your phone so you can get notifications about storms or other dangerous weather near campus.


The following are ELI Birthdays for the week of June 2nd to June 8th:


None this week!


June 2:  Hayley McDuff

Happy Birthday!

Manners and Culture

Q:  Why do students in the US call teachers by their first names?  In my country, this is impolite.

A:  Most of us don’t.  It really depends in most cases on the personal preferences of the professors. In a regular university class, we usually use “Doctor” or “Professor” plus the person’s last name.  Otherwise, if they don’t have a PhD degree, we might use “Mr.” or “Ms”.  At the ELI, though, we are a little less formal—on purpose.  We try to foster a less formal and more conversational environment in order to get students talking more.


Q: What is the difference between the words lose and loose? When do I use lose or loose?

A: Lose is a verb and it means to misplace or to not win. Loose is an adjective which means not tight. You’ll need to memorize the spelling and the pronunciation. Look at the sentences below to see the difference.

  • I always lose my cellphone in my house.
  • The players lose the game every time they have to play in the snow.
  • My pants are loose so I need to use a belt.

Quote of the Week

If you think you can or if you think you can’t, you’re right.

Henry Ford

You can view the Weekly as a PDF file here:  SS2103