TheELI Weekly
Out and About: Welcome Weekend
your arms
in welcome
to the future.
The best is yet to come!
–by Anthony de Mello
Photo: Virtual Show and Tell, Welcome Weekend/ Photo Credit: Tate Quinones
COVID Updates
COVID-19 Reminders: As the semester progresses, don’t forget that it is very important for you to stay at home if you don’t feel well for any reason. Please do not come to campus if you have any symptoms, and send Victoria an email ( so she knows you are OK.
If you are sick, the university’s COVID-19 response program called Screen, Test & Protect might call you to talk about your symptoms. Please make sure you set up your voicemail for your phone number. You must answer your phone if they call or call them back if they leave you a message.
Remember to wear your mask properly during all of your classes (including the LA class) and inside and outside university buildings. Your mask must stay on your face and cover your nose at all times. If you do not wear your mask at all times and follow physical distancing guidelines you will have to leave campus and will be counted absent. You may also be reported to the UF Student Affairs COVID-19 Education Office. Please help us keep everyone safe.
We know this is a lot of information! If you have any questions or concerns, Victoria is happy to help!
COVID-19 Requirements: Face-to-face students, this week you must do the weekly COVID-19 screening AND a saliva test. Please complete the screening, schedule a test, and forward Victoria your test appointment confirmation by 3pm on Monday, February 1. You must make your test appointment on or before Thursday, February 4th.
- Complete the screening and schedule a test here:
- Do not “opt out”
- Make a test appointment on or before Thursday, February 4
- Log in to your UF email account with you GatorLink Username and Password here:
- Forward the test appointment confirmation email to Victoria here:
If you do not forward the test appointment confirmation email by 3pm on Monday, February 1, you cannot attend classes. Please email Victoria with any questions.
CIP Weekday Activities
Monday, February 1st– Game Night (Zoom) – 6-8pm
Play fun virtual games with LAs and classmates! This week we will play Pictionary.
- Meeting ID: 961 2966 2095
- Passcode: gamenight
Wednesday, February 3rd– Coffee and Culture Talk (Zoom) – 6-7:30pm
Join us this week for a discussion on bucket lists (things we want to do in our lifetime)!
- Meeting ID: 995 8203 2927
- Passcode: 926123
Thursday, February 4th– Movie Night (Zoom) – 6-9pm
Come vote on a movie and watch it with LAs and ELI friends as we chat in the chatbox! Stick around for a fun discussion afterward! Movie choices this week are Hidden Figures, Monster’s Inc, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
- Meeting ID: 929 6271 2031
- Passcode: movienight
Conversation Partners!!!!
Want to meet with an English speaker every week to practice English and make a friend? You can sign up by emailing Tate at We have 30 volunteers waiting to be paired with you!
Weekend Activities
Saturday, February 6th– Depot Park (In-person) – 1:00-3:00pm
Join us for our first in-person activity of the semester! See Gainesville’s newest park, walk the trail, and socialize with ELI friends and LAs! You MUST sign up to attend this event, be campus cleared, wear a mask, and stay 6 feet apart.
Sign up here:
Saturday February 6th – Scattegories Night! (Zoom) – 6:00 – 8:00pm
Play this really fun word competition with your ELI friends and see if your team wins! Anyone can play, no prior experience needed.
Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 967 1023 2826
- Passcode: 950691
Notes from the Office
Scholarship Award: With great pleasure we would like to announce the recipient of our Dr. Valentina Komaniecka Memorial Scholarship for Spring 2021, Ewaldo Rivas Millan from Venezuela. He was the recipient of last semester’s JC Casagrande Peace Scholarship. If you see him around, please congratulate him!
Office Hours: Victoria Dolce is available to help you from 8:15am until 3:15pm Monday-Friday until further notice. Victoria’s office is in the main ELI office in 223 Matherly Hall, and you can reach her at 352-273-4394 or
Connections: International Student Discussion Space: Are you feeling alone or homesick? Do you just need to talk to people about your experiences? UF offers support for international students in Zoom meetings. You will need to visit the webpage to find the Zoom number for each session.
- Pamela Alba – 2/4
- Neelam Mistry – 2/2
- Maya Shastri – 2/3
Notes from the Editor
The ELI Weekly needs you! You can participate in several ways:
- Email your grammar and/or culture questions.
- Write a paragraph about your experiences this semester. You could write about an ELI activity, a Gainesville event, or even a place or event in your country.
Send your questions and reports to Maya (
Open and download The ELI Weekly (PDF).