The ELI Weekly
Out and About: Library West
by Hyojin Shin, RW 60
Are you looking for a pleasant place to do your assignments? Or are you having unwanted free time between the classes? Then, Library West is the answer. There are two libraries near the Matherly Hall. One is the Smathers Library and the other one is the Library West. But I recommend Library West for several reasons. First, you can buy some drinks and food from Starbucks on the first floor. It’s very convenient if you don’t have time to go somewhere else to grab some food. Second, there are much more diverse seats in Library West. It has lots of open space with large windows in the first and second floor. Also, there are some quiet places with screen fences for your deep studying in fourth floor. Lastly, you may be surprised how many books they are possessing. I almost got lost at the first visiting. You can borrow some books or DVDs with your Gator ID card if you want. So, why don’t you visit Library West if you have some free time? You may discover your own secret spot!
Weekend Photo
CIP Weekday Activities
Sign up for all activities here:
Monday September 27th – Coffee Talk- 6:30 – 9:00pm
Come drink coffee or get dinner and socialize at the Butler Plaza Starbucks near Burger Fi – 3524 SW Archer Rd! Take bus 1.
- You must sign up to attend this activity.
Tuesday September 28th – Soccer– 6:30 – 9:00pm
Come play Soccer on campus at Flavet Field! No experience necessary!
- You must sign up to attend this activity.
Wednesday September 29th – Volleyball – 6:30 – 9:00pm
Come play volleyball and hang out at Lexington Crossing Apartments Phase 2! No experience necessary! Take bus 34 or 35.
- You must sign up to attend this activity.
Thursday September 30th – 4th Avenue Food Park – 6:30 – 8:30pm
Come try food at this really cool spot and eat outdoors! Socialize and play games with LAs while trying the pizza restaurant, taco place, and more! If you don’t want to buy food, you can bring your own dinner for a picnic outside!
- You must sign up to attend this activity.
Friday October 1st– Gator Nights – 5:30 – 8:00pm
Watch a dance battle performance in the Grand Ballroom and/or buy dinner and play games in the food court with LAs and ELI friends! Meet at the Reitz Union Subway. Don’t be late so you don’t miss the performance!
- You must sign up to attend this activity.
Weekend Activity
Saturday October 2nd – Clearwater Beach Bus Trip – 9:00am – 9:30pm
We will be going on a bus trip to beautiful Clearwater Beach! This famous beach is two hours away and rated one of the best in the US! We will be leaving Norman Hall on our charter bus at 9:30am and returning at 9:30pm. There are plenty of restaurants, shops and lots of swimming and sand to enjoy at Clearwater! Our bus tickets are SOLD OUT. But come to Tate’s office in Matherly 211 to be put on the waiting list. IF you want to drive, email Tate to let her know, and feel free to take other students who want a ride!
If you are attending, make sure to bring a swimsuit, money for food or food from home for both lunch and dinner, sunscreen and towel, a change of clothes, and anything else you might need to spend the day at the beach.
Conversation Partners: Want to meet with an English speaker once a week and make a new friend?! Sign up here:
Returning students who want a CP should still fill out his form, even if you had a CP last semester!
This is optional, but if you sign up, you agree to meet your partner once a week for one hour to speak English and respond to them when they contact you to make plans to arrange a meeting.
Try meeting them on campus or a coffee shop. Try chatting about your family or home country to start practice English with your new friend! CPs are excited to meet you! Wait two weeks after signing up to be paired. Email if your partner does not respond after one week.
Notes from the Office
Homecoming Holiday: Friday, October 8th is homecoming. There will be no ELI classes and the ELI office will be closed.
Manners and Culture
Q: What is homecoming and why is it a holiday?
A: Homecoming is a US tradition for colleges, universities, and high schools to welcome alumni back to the campus for a visit in the fall. Homecoming is associated with a football game, and other events like parades, pep rallies, tailgating, and even appointing a homecoming king and queen.
It is actually unusual for a school to have the day as a holiday from classes, but the University of Florida makes the day more special by having a day off for students to participate in the activities.
- 9/28—Mingyun Park
- 10/1—Santiago Nohra Nakad
- 10/3—Andres Del Castillo Arce
- 10/3—Ernesto Ramirez Leyva
Notes from the Editor
- Share your special experiences of campus, Gainesville, and Florida by sending me your stories for the Weekly.
- Do you have grammar questions? Do you have manners and culture questions? Share them with us!
- Send stories and questions to Maya (