The Weekly Newsletter of
the English Language Institute
Volume 151, Issue 11
August 7, 2023
The ELI Weekly
It’s around the corner!
Congratulations and thanks, everyone! This will be the last issue of the Weekly for the Summer Term, 2023. Congratulations on making it to the end of this semester! We hope you learned more English, made some wonderful friends and had some fun, as well. You should all be very proud of yourselves and we’d like to celebrate this accomplishment at our Commencement Ceremony on Friday.
The ELI Commencement Ceremony will be held on Friday, August 11th, in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom. Students, Language Assistants, teachers, and administrators, please join us for this special occasion.
When: Friday, August 11th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12noon.
Guest Speaker
Dr. Adan Rincon, General Director of Salto Angel School from Maracaibo, Venezuela, will speak at the University of Florida on “Education in Latin America: Reality and Challenges” on Tuesday, August 8th at 3:15 pm in Matherly Hall, room 107. Dr. Rincon, from Venezuela, is a recognized international speaker in the USA, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, and Venezuela. He is a Lawyer, College Teacher, and Writer and holds a Magister in Educational Management and a Ph.D. in Management Science. He has participated as a speaker in the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights, Education area, from the Organization of American States. This is a great opportunity to learn in-depth about the current reality of education in Latin America. His presentation will be in Spanish.
Certificates and Grades
Semester certificates will be available immediately after the Commencement Ceremony at the Reitz Union, and grade reports will be available in my.ELI by Monday, August 14th. Certificates can also be picked up in the ELI Main Office when it re-opens at 2pm. If you would like a friend or family member to pick up your certificate for you or you would like us to mail your certificate to a US mailing address, you should email Min at
Reminders from the Office
ELI Main Office Hours: Friday, August 11 (Commencement Day), the ELI Main Office will be closed until 2pm.
Returning for Fall C: Please remember that all returning students must check in online using my.ELI between August 21-25. If you do not check in, you are not guaranteed a space in the class and you will have to pay a $100 Late Check in Fee. Remember, if your plans have changed for the summer, you should email Daryl at to let him know.
Fines and fees: Please remember if you have any outstanding fees (library or infirmary, for example), you must clear them by the end of the semester, or we will not be able to release your grades and certificates to you. Remember, you MUST pay $15 for your GatorOne (UF ID) card if you did not pay when you received it.
Your I-20: Make sure your I-20 does not expire on August 15th if you will study at the ELI after this summer semester. Contact Daryl if you need to extend your I-20. If you are travelling outside of the US but will return to the ELI in the fall, remember you must bring your active I-20 with you, signed by Daryl.
Gatorlink: Remember, if you are not returning to the ELI in the fall, you will not be able to access your email address,, Canvas, or other gatorlink services after September 1st.
People out: Christine will be out of the office from 8/15-8/18.
The following are ELI Birthdays for the period August 7-31:
August 22: Musab Alsaeed
August 26: Ibis Tarazona Hurtado
August 26: Daniela Alarcon Guzman
August 13: Megan Forbes
Quote of the Week
Life is a circle. The end of one journey is the beginning of the next.
Joseph M. Marshall III
For a PDF Copy of the Weekly, go here: SS2311