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Volume 154, Issue 10-July 29

The ELI Weekly

Lake Wauburg End-of-Semester Barbecue

Come join the fun!

Saturday, August 3rd – End of Semester BBQ at Lake Wauburg – 11:45am to 4:00pm

Meet at Norman Garage at 11:45. All are welcome to celebrate the end of the semester at our BBQ! Come get free food and kayak or canoe on beautiful Lake Wauburg North Shore for free with your Gator1 ID! Play sports, socialize, and enjoy Florida nature with friends for our very last event of the semester!! Meet at Norman Parking Garage. No smoking or vaping is allowed anywhere at this location, even if you are outside.

You must sign up to attend this activity, even if you plan on driving yourself.  We need to make sure we know how much food to provide. Sign up here:

CIP Activities


Monday, July 29th – Coffee Talk – 6:30 – 9:00pm 

Socialize with LAs and ELI friends at the Panera on Archer Road! Play games, speak English, and drink a coffee or get dinner at the restaurants nearby! Take bus 1, 12, or 34.

Address:  3443 SW Archer Rd Suite 1A, Gainesville, FL 32608

Tuesday, July 30th   – Volleyball – 6:30 – 9:00pm

Play volleyball and hang out at Lexington Crossing Apartments Phase 2 Volleyball Courts with us! No experience necessary! Take bus 35.

Address: 3700 SW 27th St, Gainesville, FL 32608

Wednesday, July 31st  – Soccer  – 6:30 – 9:00pm

Come play Soccer on campus at Flavet Field on campus! No experience necessary!

Address: Woodlawn Dr, Gainesville, FL 32603

Thursday, August 1st  – Cabana Beach Pool Party – 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Enjoy the warm weather this evening with ELI friends and go swimming at the Cabana Beach pool!  Bring a bathing suit and towel and anything else you might want to bring to a pool party!  Take bus 20 or 21.

Address: 1601 SW 51st Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32607

Friday, August 2nd – Reitz Game Room– 6:30 – 9:00pm

Hang out with friends in the Reitz Game Room!  You can go bowling, play pool, and play board games! Bring your Gator1 ID for cheaper rates.

Address: 655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL 32611

Pictures for the Slideshow

Do you have good pictures of the activities, classes, or fun things you have done around Florida with your ELI friends?  Send them to Tate by email or Whatsapp so she can feature some of them in the slideshow at commencement!  (

Completed CIP Passports

Congrats to students who completed their CIP Passports!  Thank you for being so involved with the CIP!

David Ariza Pena

Other CIP Reminders

Don’t forget to get your CIP passports hole-punched for the last week of activities and turn in your finished one for a prize!

Our CIP Photo of the week is from the Daytona Beach activity.

Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the recipients of the ELI Scholarships for the Summer 2024 Semester!

  • Maria Elena Tobar Santander – J.C. CASAGRANDE PEACE SCHOLARSHIP
  • Ian Russo – 1st RUNNER UP
  • Cynthia Cabrejo Sanchez – 2nd RUNNER UP

Financial Guarantees for Fall

Dear scholarship students, we hope to see you again in the Fall Semester! Therefore, we have sent you an early reminder to request your new financial guarantee letter for the Fall Semester if you plan to return. If you received an email from Tara Mace, you will need to submit a new financial guarantee by the tuition deadline of September 5th for the Fall C semester to avoid owing a late fee. If you need an enrollment letter or if you have any questions, please email Tara at

The Last Day of ELI Classes

Thursday, August 8th, is the final day of ELI classes this summer. Teachers will be submitting final grades and attendance reports on Wednesday, August 7th. If you are absent on Thursday, your absence will not be counted for immigration, class grades, or any petition you have submitted. All absences on August 5th, 6th, and 7th still count!!! You should not miss class these days!

We hope all ELI students will attend class on Thursday, August 8h. Your teachers and LAs have fun and interesting lessons and activities planned. However, we know many ELI students are preparing to leave Gainesville, so are very busy this last week. If you will not be attending class on Thursday, August 8th, please inform your teacher by Tuesday, August 6thYour teachers and LAs need to know how many students to plan for.

All of your teachers and LAs will be at the ELI Commencement Ceremony on Friday, August 9th. We hope you will be there, too!

Reminders from the Office

Other people picking up your certificate: If you can’t pick up your certificate at the Commencement Ceremony on August 9th, please stop by Matherly 223 before August 2nd to fill out a form so someone else can pick it up for you. We can’t give you the packet early. If you want to have it mailed or sent by Fed-Ex, please ask in the office for the cost.

Expiring I-20s: If your I-20 is expiring and you plan on returning to the ELI in the fall, you must talk to Daryl before the expiration date. It is in section 5 of the I-20.

Fines and fees: Please remember if you have any outstanding fees (library or infirmary, for example), you must clear them by the end of the semester, or we will not be able to release your grades and certificates to you.  .

Gatorlink: Remember, if you are not returning to the ELI in the fall, you will not be able to access your email address,, Canvas, or other Gatorlink services after September 5th .

Commencement Ceremony:  The ELI Commencement Ceremony will be held this semester from 10am to noon in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom.  Everyone, including family and friends are welcome.  All of your teachers and language assistants and ELI administration will be there!

Collecting Food and Apartment Supply Donations: Are you leaving Gainesville or moving out of your apartment soon? If you have any items that you will not keep, don’t throw them in the trash! Bring it to the ELI main office in MAT 223 so we can donate it!

We will accept non-perishable food, hygiene products, kitchenware, and other apartment supplies. You can bring in anything unopened, unexpired, and undamaged (come to the ELI Office to see a list).

We will donate the food to the UF Field and Fork Pantry. Kitchen and apartment supplies will be available for new ELI students in the Fall semester or donated to a local Gainesville charity. If you have any questions, talk to Tatum or Christine.


The following are ELI Birthday from July 29 to August 4:


July 30:  Rafaella Toral Donin

August 1:  Rupandeep Kaur

August 3:  Guiecniza Dehesa Blas


July 29:  Todd Allen (I’m 61!)

July 31:  Patricia Moon

Student Corner

This week’s country is Niger:

Capital: Niamey

Population: ≤ 28,000,000

Fun Fact: The country is known as “the frying pan of the world” due to its high temperatures.

Three things to know:

  1. Niger has the highest fertility rate in the world (around 6.7 children per woman).
  2. The Sahara Desert covers 80% of Niger land area.
  3. The world’s tallest mud-brick structure, Agadez mosque, is located in Niger.

Manners and Culture

Q:  What is the difference between major and career?

A: A major is what you study in university and a career is what you do for a job. For example, my major was Spanish Education but my career is English teacher.


Q: What’s the difference between passive and adjectives made with past participle?

A: The best way to test whether something is passive or an adjective is to add by someone. If it makes sense, then it’s probably a passive. If it doesn’t make sense, it’s probably an adjective. Sometimes it can be both. Another test you can try is to rearrange the words so the adjective/verb in question is before the noun. Try it with the following examples:

  • The dog was tired (by someone?). The tired dog… ?
  • The money was stolen (by someone?). The stolen money…?
  • The vase was broken (by someone?). The broken vase…?

Quote of the Week

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

ELI Pop-up Classes


Will you be in Gainesville during the break between summer and fall? Do you want to continue learning English in a stress-free setting?  Register for a pop-up class!

What is an ELI pop-up class?  It is a class with no levels, no homework, and no grades! It is a class designed to keep building English skills during break weeks.  This August we will be offering:

Class Instructor Time Week 1 Week 2 Location
Speaking Christine Voigt 9:00am – 10:50am August

13, 14, 15


20, 21, 22

MAT 208
Grammar for Writing Melina Jimenez 11:00am – 12:50pm August

13, 14, 15


20, 21, 22

MAT 214


You can register for one class, or both. You can register for one week, or two. The cost for one week of one class (6 class hours) is $150 and you can register here.

The deadline to register is Thursday, August 8th.  The deadline to drop is after the first day of class.

For more information visit


English Language Institute
PO Box 117051
223 Matherly Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-7051, USA
Phone: (352) 392-2070




You can find a PDF Copy of the ELI Weekly here:  SS2410