The ELI Weekly
Out and About: The Whale Highway in Timor-Leste Seas
by Jake Lasi, RW 51

The sea area in my country, Timor-Leste, is bigger than the land area. The sea covers about 610,000 km²(235,000 square miles) whereas the land has around 14,950 square kilometers (5,770 sq. mi). All of this ocean provides a watery ‘highway’ for different species of whales and dolphins. Every October to November, many people from all over the world especially scientists and underwater photographers participate in the whale watching events. Amazing giant marine mammals, such as blue whales, are moving from South West Australia heading toward the Banda Sea. Here are some amazing facts about blue whales:
Photo credit: Dreamers Dive Academy Blue whales can grow to over 33 meters (around 100ft) in length, which is over twice as long as a T-Rex dinosaur – and makes them the largest animal species on Earth!
- The calf of a blue whale is around 7 meters in length, around the same as an adult African elephant.
- The largest blue whales found have weighed around 200 tons.
- The heart of a blue whale can weigh 450kg, the same size of a piano.
- They have loud, deep voices and can communicate with other whales hundreds of miles away.
For those of you who haven’t seen this gigantic aquatic animal, please put Timor-Leste and its whale highway on your bucket list. You may see them from the shore, and it is possible to see from 5 -20 blue whales in a day. It costs $280 – $350 to get on board, and you may swim with them if you make sure to follow the whale watching policy. You might also see other cetaceans, like sperm whales, orca whales, pygmy blue whales, melon-headed whales, spinner dolphin, Risso’s dolphin, and more.
CIP Weekday Activities
Saturday, October 26th – Micanopy Fall Festival – 9:30am to 12:30pm
See the small historic town of Micanopy just outside Gainesville as they celebrate the Fall season with food, vendors, crafts, auctions, music, and more! Shop for gifts, art, food, and other local goods during this annual tradition with ELI friends.
Meet at Norman Parking Garage.
You must sign up to attend this event. Car spaces are limited:
Saturday, October 26th – Haunted Houses at Kirby Farms – 6:15pm to 10:30pm
Experience the spooky fun of Halloween with some local haunted houses and other scary, immersive experiences with friends! Have a scream and a laugh and check out all the scary costumes and sets that this local farm has created just for this season!
It is essential that you come on time because there are multiple houses and experiences and there will be lines and wait times. The cost is 25 dollars at the gate, but you also can purchase your ticket online for a small discount. Bring extra money for snacks and food if you are interested!
Please note: During this event, staff at the haunted houses will try to scare you. If you do not like jump scares or scary movies, it is not a good idea to attend this event.
Meet at Norman Parking Garage.
You must sign up to attend this event. Car spaces are limited:
Other CIP Reminders
Conversation Partners (CPs)
Want to meet with a fluent English speaker and make a new friend? Sign up for a CP! If you choose to sign up, you must meet with your partner for one hour a week. It can take up to two weeks to get a partner from when you sign up. Please sign up at this link:
Please email Rachel at for any issues, questions or concerns or visit her in the CIP Office during office hours.
CIP Passports
Don’t forget to get your CIP Passport hole punched from the activity leaders AT the event (not after). We don’t hole punch passports after the event. Redeem your completed passport for a small gift, a photo for the ELI Instagram, and your name published in the ELI weekly!
Need a new CIP Passport? Stop by the CIP Office!
Remember the CIP Pineapple is hidden in a new place every Monday in the CIP office. Stop by and find it for hole punches!
Notes from the Office
People Out: Christine is out of the office from Oct. 18-Oct. 24 and from Oct. 31-Nov. 5. Tara is out of the office from Oct. 28-Oct. 29. Please plan around these dates if you need to talk to Christine or Tara.
No Classes: Monday, October 28 is an instructor workday. There are no ELI classes, but the main office will be open, and there will be a CIP activity.
Community College Workshop: Representatives from the Santa Fe College and the College of Central Florida will speak to ELI students on Wednesday, October 30, at 5:00pm in Matherly Hall. We will announce the room number next week. This is great opportunity to learn about SF and CF, hear about the application process and timeline, and you can meet their International Student Services team.
Student Voices
Every semester, we have amazing student writers, so we take your writing and publish it in an online collection called Student Voices. In past semesters, students have written paragraphs, essays, creative stories, recipes, letters, obituaries, poetry, and more. You can see past editions of Student Voices (, scroll to the bottom of the page) for inspiration.
We encourage you to submit anything of your work that you wish to see published. It can be from any class or something you have written on your own but ask your teachers for help editing! You can email it to Olga Moody ( or to your teacher. Please include your name and class on your submission. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 1st.
Photo of the Week: Reitz Game Room
Manners & Culture
Q: What should I do when I come to class late? I like to say hi, but my instructor didn’t respond.
In US universities, when you come in late and the instructor is already talking, it is common to sit down quietly and listen. After the instructor gives the announcements and instructions, then you can ask a classmate what you missed and apologize to your instructor for being late.
Q: Do I need a comma before a FANBOYS conjunction in all cases?
A: You need one in a compound sentence with a FANBOYS conjunction
or in a series of 3 or more items, but not with only 2 items.
- I like to eat hamburgers, but my sister dislikes them.
- I eat Halloween candy for every meal, yet I do not get sick.
- I like to eat hamburger, fries, and ice cream.
- I like to eat carrots and yogurt.
Joke of the Week
Q: What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?
A: I-scream!
Notes From the Editor
Come by my office (221 MAT) and help me write the Out and About section! There are so many topics to write about–a fun activity, an interesting place on campus, a club or hobby that you enjoy, or even tell us about a place to visit in your country. Bring a photo of your experience and put it in the Weekly.
Send stories and grammar, manners, or culture questions to Maya Shastri (