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Volume 146, Issue 12-November 22

The ELI Weekly Scholarship Winners Congratulations to the recipients of the ELI Scholarships for the Fall 2021 Semester! Dr. Jayne C. Harder Memorial Scholarship: Sol Ha Kim from South Korea Dr. J.C. Casagrande Peace Scholarship: Alvaro Herrera Fernandez from Spain First Runner-Up: Mireya Arreaga Ramirez from Ecuador Second Runner-Up: Ali Salou Moumouni from Niger Out and […]

Volume 146, Issue 11-November 15

The ELI Weekly International Education Week #IEW2021 This week, we celebrate International Education week with stories and videos from ELI students about their international experiences. Certain themes seem to be very important, like lasting friendship, other cultures, and Gainesville surprises. Here is a sample of the stories. Throughout the week, you will see more stories […]

Volume 146, Issue 10-November 8

The ELI Weekly Scholarship Nominees It is very difficult to be nominated for a scholarship. This means the nominees all worked extra hard this semester and achieved the following criteria:   Full-time C semester student Academic Excellence: 4.0 GPA and high level of proficiency in at least three of the four skill areas Outstanding Progress: […]

Volume 146, Issue 8-October 25

  The ELI Weekly Out and About: Finding Happiness in the Sky –by Sol Ha Kim, RW 50 How is your life in Gainesville so far? Are you gratified satisfied, happy with with ELI? When do you feel happiness in your life? Happiness inspires us to be more productive. Positive thoughts lead us to have […]

Volume 146, Issue 7-October 18

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Sushi in Gainesville by John Watson, RW51 I have been in the USA for four months now. During my stay, I have heard people talking about “Sushi” quite a lot. And I found out that there are many types of sushi in United States. I have heard about Mexican […]

Volume 146, Issue 6-October 11

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Traveling to Clearwater by Irene Lopez, RW53 Florida is surrounded by coastline, with the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. Welcome to the sunshine state! While I’m thinking about holidays, I close my eyes, and the first thing that comes to my mind […]

Volume 146, Issue 5-October 4

The ELI Weekly Out and About: UF Water Polo –by Alvaro Herrera, RW 40 UF Water Polo team is a good place to meet friends and do sport. They have two teams: women and men. They practice water polo in the university pool in front of the stadium. Water polo is a team sport in […]

Volume 146, Issue 4-September 27

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Library West by Hyojin Shin, RW 60 Are you looking for a pleasant place to do your assignments? Or are you having unwanted free time between the classes? Then, Library West is the answer. There are two libraries near the Matherly Hall. One is the Smathers Library and the […]