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Volume 152, Issue 7-October 16

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Haunted House on Campus by Matt Goode, Instructor One popular Halloween activity is visiting haunted houses. In spite of the name, these destinations do not usually contain real ghosts and are not typically located in actual houses. Rather, a Halloween haunted house consists of frightening decorations, creepy sounds, special […]

Volume 152, Issue 6-October 9

The ELI Weekly Out and About: How to make friends here By Leonardo Grisolia Davila and Hyojeong Park, RW 31 Do you have many friends at the ELI? At the ELI, it is not more difficult to make friends because you can know a lot of people from different countries. You can talk with them […]

Volume 152, Issue 5-October 2

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Swimming by Doeun Kwon (Dannie), RW 40 I want to share about my hobby. My hobby is swimming. I used to swim when I was in Korea. Because I love water, I learned for 3~4years. But there are not many public swimming pools in Korea and also not within […]

Volume 152, Issue 2-September 11

The ELI Weekly Where in the World? This semester, the ELI has 117 students from 25 countries. Ask your classmates where they are from! CIP Weekday Activities Volunteer Weekend Help the local Gainesville community through one of these volunteering opportunities!  There are 4 different activities on Saturday and Sunday, but please only sign up for […]

Volume 152, Issue 1-September 4

The ELI Weekly Exploring Campus: The Potato One fun University of Florida landmark is a giant rock outside of Turlington Hall. The rock is 30,000 years old, and its shape and color resemble America’s favorite vegetable–the potato! In fact, UF students fondly call this rock the “Potato” and it is used as a landmark for […]

Volume 151, Issue 11-August 7

The Weekly Newsletter of the English Language Institute Volume 151, Issue 11 August 7, 2023 The ELI Weekly Commencement It’s around the corner! Congratulations and thanks, everyone! This will be the last issue of the Weekly for the Summer Term, 2023. Congratulations on making it to the end of this semester!   We hope you learned […]

Volume 151, Issue 10-July 31

The Weekly Newsletter of the English Language Institute Volume 151, Issue 10 July 31, 2023 The ELI Weekly Lake Wauburg End-of-Semester Barbecue Come join the fun!   Saturday August 5th – End of Semester BBQ at Lake Wauburg 11:45am to 4pm.  Meet at Norman Garage at 11:45. All are welcome to celebrate the end of the […]

Volume 151, Issue 9-July 24

The Weekly Newsletter of the English Language Institute Volume 151, Issue 9 July 24, 2023 The ELI Weekly Finals! Time to push to the finish! There will be no weekend activity this week, as we want to give you time to be finishing up your studying and getting ready for your ELI Final Exams. CIP […]