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Volume 150, Issue 11-April 10

The ELI Weekly Out and About: My Last Spring Break By Woonchae Park, RW20        Last Spring break, I had a great time and made new memories I will never forget. On the first day, I went to Little Havana in Miami. I was shocked when I arrived because it felt like I was in […]

Volume 150, Issue 10-April 3

The ELI Weekly Scholarship Nominees It is very difficult to be nominated for a scholarship. The nominees all worked extra hard this semester and achieved the following criteria: Full-time C semester student Academic Excellence Outstanding Progress Excellent Attendance and Participation Practices English Successful Academic Work Strategies Intercultural Understanding/ Relationships see more about the scholarship here: […]

Volume 150, Issue 9-March 27

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Adventures in Mexico City by Juyeon (Andrea) Hong, RW61 Did you enjoy the spring break? I visited Mexico City alone during spring break! Before I went there, I was worried because I had a prejudice against Mexico. However, contrary to my concern, Mexico City was perfect. There are a […]

Volume 150, Issue 8-March 20

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Margarita Island by Candy Fontana, RW 51 If you someday in your life want to visit Margarita Island, Venezuela, these are my recommendations to you for the best trip of your life. I used to live here since I was a baby, so I know countless places and activities […]

Volume 150, Issue 7-March 6

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Busch Gardens by the entire class of RW42 Busch Gardens is a popular theme park in Tampa, Florida. The ELI visited the park this past weekend. Five students from Reading/Writing 42 attended, and they enjoyed the trip. The most popular ride among the RW42 students was Iron Gwazi, a […]

Volume 150, Issue 6-February 27

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Game Night Is the Best CIP Activity by Danney Pamplona Cardenas, Othman Aldhafeeri, Lucerito Datzer Pinto, RW30       The ELI students in the CIP activities come to get fun. Some of the students enjoy the CIP  activities.  There  are  many  options,  so  you  can  choose between  coffee  talk, volleyball,  soccer, […]

Volume 150, Issue 5-February 20

  The ELI Weekly Out and About: The Perfect Place for You by Heidi (Hyerim) Yu, Daniela Alarcon Guzman, Salem Boresli, RW30 Gainesville is a wonderful place where you can do everything with your family and friends. Gainesville has variety of restaurants so that all people feel like they are in their city, some of […]

Volume 150, Issue 4-February 13

The ELI Weekly Out and About: Bolen Bluff Trail by Natalie Claytor A couple weekends ago, I went to Bolen Bluff Trail at Paynes Prairie State Park. It was a beautiful 2-mile loop through the woods. At the end of the loop, you can walk out onto the prairie. There are usually bison hanging out […]

Volume 150, Issue 2-January 30

The ELI Weekly Volunteer Weekend: Help Out, Practice English, and Have Fun! Help the local Gainesville community through one of these volunteering opportunities!  There are 4 different activities on Saturday and Sunday, but please only sign up for one. Sign up here: CIP Weekday Activities Other CIP Reminders Gator Basketball Ticket on Sale this […]