The ELI Weekly
UF Campus Landmarks: Century Tower

One interesting landmark on the University of Florida campus is Century Tower. The tower was built in 1956 and is 157 feet tall. The top of the tower is the home of a carillon, or a set of bells. The UF carillon has 61 bells that are played with a keyboard with 61 keys and 25 foot pedals. You can hear the bells ring every fifteen minutes. Also, every day at 12:35pm and 4:55pm, you can hear a 20-minute concert by a carillonneur, or a person who plays the carillon. The carillonneurs are all students at the University of Florida. If you haven’t already, visit Century Tower and listen to an amazing carillon concert!
Notes from the Office
Student Addresses: It is important that the ELI has each student’s address. If you have an F or J visa, you should report a change of address within 10 days of any change. You can update your address in myELI using the ‘Basic Information’ tab in your ‘My Profile’ page. All students should update their address in myELI by January 26th. If you need help updating your address in myELI, please contact Daryl at
Deadlines: The deadline to drop or add a class, pay tuition, submit proof of insurance and immunizations, and turn in a signed waiver of liability, is Thursday, January 24th. If you miss any of these deadlines, you could be removed from classes or charged a late fee! If you have questions about paying tuition or submitting a financial guarantee, email Natalie Claytor at If you have questions about insurance or immunizations, email Christine Voigt at
Withdrawing: Students who withdraw from a course or from the ELI after the drop/add deadline (January 24) will not be able to receive a refund or credit for their courses. Their transcript will have a grade of W (withdraw).
CIP Weekday Activities
Weekend Event
Saturday January 27th – Hoggetowne Medieval Faire – 9:30am to 2:00pm
Enjoy this blast from the past with your ELI friends, a favorite festival in American culture! See kings and queens, people dressed up in medieval and fantasy costumes, performances, and vendors!
The fair is located in and around Depot Park and entry is free, but bring extra money for food and crafts/goods to buy!
We will meet at the Rosa Parks Bus Station at 9:30am before walking over when the fair starts at 10am, do not be late because it will be very hard to find ELI friends and LAs once we enter! It will be very busy. It is best to meet before and enter together.
There are many buses that go to Rosa Parks Transfer Station, like bus 1, 5, 46, and many more. Check your app to see which one is best from your apartment.
Call Grace if you need help finding us at the event.
Address: 700 SE 3rd St, Gainesville, FL 32601
Please sign up for this event here:
Other CIP Reminders
Selling Basketball Tickets Starting 1/29
We are selling basketball tickets for the game happening on February 10th at 3:00pm! Tickets can be bought by Tate in the CIP Office for 20 dollars exact cash and your Gator1 ID card between 9:00am and 12:30pm starting on January 29th. Tickets are limited. For the first week of sales, you can purchase a ticket for you and your immediate family, like a spouse or child. On the second week of sales, if there are tickets left, you can buy for any friends wish!
Conversation Partners
Want to meet with a fluent English speaker and make a new friend? Sign up for a CP! If you choose to sign up, you must meet with your partner for one hour a week. It can take up to two weeks to get a partner from when you sign up. Please sign up at this link:
Please email Will at for any issues, questions or concerns or visit him in the CIP Office during office hours.
CIP Passports
Don’t forget to get your CIP Passport hole punched from the activity leaders AT the event (not after). We don’t hole punch passports after the event. Redeem your completed passport for a small gift a photo for the ELI Instagram, and your name published in the ELI weekly!
Need a new CIP Passport? Stop by the CIP Office?
Remember the CIP Pineapple is hidden in a new place every Monday in the CIP office. Stop by and find it for hole punches!
Photo of the Week

Joke of the Week
Q: What did the ocean say to the beach?
A. Nothing. It just waved.
Notes from the Editor
The ELI Weekly needs you! You can participate in several ways:
- Email grammar questions for me to put in the Weekly.
- Email manners and culture questions for me to put in the Weekly.
- Write a paragraph about your experiences this semester. You could write about an ELI activity, a Gainesville event, a fabulous local restaurant, or tell us about a place or event in your country that we should visit!
Send your questions and paragraphs to Maya ( Use the subject heading: the ELI Weekly.